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SERPTrends extensions for Firefox and Chrome show whether the website moved up, down in search engine, just appeared or hasn't moved at all. It also shows how many positions the website gained or lost compare to search you performed previous day.
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Besides powerful extenstions for Firefox and Chrome SERPTrends offers a lot of useful information about websites. We're constantly working on delivering new usefult features to you, so you always find something new.
In this section you can see some of ads which show in search engines for this website. This information is very useful, if you thinking to advertise your website. We suggest you first come to SERPTrends and research what your competitors write in their ads.
In this section your find top 10 Ad Keywords and Organic Keywords.
Ad Keywords is a list of keywords which you can search on Google and see ads for this domain. This is again is very important information to look at if you starting to advertise in AdWords. It's important to know which keywords your competitors use.
Organic keywords is a list of non-paid keywords you can search on Google and find this domain. This together with ad keywords make a better picture of current website perfomance.
Sample Ad Keywords
Sample Organic Keywords
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